Friday, 29 August 2014

An Introduction


I'm J.C Lemon, which is my pen name, not my real name. I do of course have a real name but for the foreseeable future, it'll remain anonymous.
I'm a student, studying English and Linguistics and I am also a budding writer. I hope to share with you my short stories over time as well as book reviews and general book and writing related chit chat.

My pen name has multiple meanings for me. The J.C part are two of the first initials in my name and the surname Lemon has a whole list of reasons why I chose it.

First, yellow is my favorite colour. And lemons are yellow.

Second, when you hear the word lemon, you think of a lemon, and lemons are really bright and fresh and fun and I'd like to think that those traits are also present in me.

Thirdly, the word 'lemon' also has bad connotations to it. You hear people say that so and so was a 'bad lemon'. And if truth be told, not everyone likes me. So I like that some people will think I'm a fun lemon, and others will think I'm a bad lemon.

And finally, when I said J.C Lemon out loud, it just sounded right to me.

I'm secretly hoping that in the future, if people write reviews on my novels, that the ones who don't like me will use the term 'bad lemon' cause then my idea would have totally proven itself right.

Ha! I've just thought of something else. My favorite drink is Lemon, Lime and Bitters. See, it was meant to be.

Ta ta for now,

J.C Lemon xx

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