Sunday, 14 September 2014

My first book haul!

Ahhhhh so excited! Welcome to my first book haul post. These will be quite often I can assure you, I am forever walking into second hand bookshops and leaving with at least one book.

Yesterday I went along to the Mosgiel book sale and picked up five novels and three children's books. I collect first edition Enid Blyton books so I was very happy to stumble upon a first edition, albeit without the dust cover, of Good Work Secret Seven. I also picked up Tales After Tea but it was the 1970 impression.

Lately I have been studying Janet Frame at university so I was thrilled to nab her part one autobiography: To the Is-land, so now I am hunting for part two and three. I have found them online but I think it is much more exciting to trail through bookshelves and see if I can find it.

I found the second Bridget Jones book too. I have seen both films and I have read the first and third book, I loved how different the book is to the movie and I enjoyed the book more than the film too.

My husband passed me the Bryce Courtenay book Matthew Flinder's Cat purely because it had a cat on the cover so I popped it into my book bag. I hope it is good, have you read it?

I also bought two guilty pleasure books which I know will be fun and light-hearted to read. One is called The Woman on the Bus by Pauline McLynn and the other is called Elegance by Kathleen Tessaro.

I can't wait till university is over and I can just chill out in the summer sun with all my books!

Are you on Goodreads? Join me HERE

J.C Lemon xx

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